Minutes of Anne West Kindergarten Whanau
Group Meeting
Held at Anne West Kindergarten
Wednesday 15 May 2013
Meeting opened at 7.10pm
Present: Karin Matthews, Robyn Shackleton, Emily
Robinson, Karen Lucich, Clare Harper-Lee, Siobhan Soutar, Lee Gamble, Bonny
Anderson, Lorraine Ryan, Katrina Ponsonby
Apologies: Torina Shanks, Lisa Wright
Previous Minutes: Accepted as read Robyn/Emily Carried
Matters Arising
from Previous Minutes:
The blinds have now been installed.
The Social Evening has occurred and was a huge success.
There is a very good variety of fruit being donated at
present, due to lots being in season.
Teaching Team
Report: Clare presented this
report and it is filed with these minutes.
Karin/Karen Carried
Matters Arising:
The Positive Guidance
Procedure and revised Mission Statement:
These were adopted by the meeting.
Mowing: It was discussed whether we would mow the new
area or leave it as more of a wild area with paths mowed through it. If it is to be mowed it will take a lot
longer to do the lawns. It would be
easier if kindergarten had its own lawn mower and whanau would be more likely
to volunteer if they didn’t have to transport their own mower. Emily volunteered to research prices of
lawnmowers and three quotes are needed.
Mitre 10, Stilh Shop, The Warehouse and Kaitaia Tractors were suggested.
Guinea Pig cage: Various people were suggested to build the
new guinea pig cage, as the current one on loan from the Lucich family needs to
be returned. We will see if any of them
are keen or if we get a response from whanau after they read the newsletter.
Shade Sail: We need to research prices for a new shade
sail, as the old one was ripped apart in the wind. We will also need poles and a consent will
probably be required. Emily said she
will talk to her husband about poles when we know what’s required. It may be possible he can sponsor them
through his work. We also need to talk
to Mission Place Kindergarten as they have had new shade sails installed fairly
Celebrations: A bonfire/campfire,
fireworks display and stories by torchlight were discussed as ways of
celebrating Matariki with the children and their whanau in the evening. A hangi was then discussed and the meeting
decided to proceed with this on Friday 28th June. Siobhan has hangi baskets and we will ask for
donations of meat and vegetables from whanau.
We will put up a list of what’s required early and ask for whanau to
write their names beside what item they can donate. We will also ask businesses such as Bells
Produce for donations.
Fundraising: A car boot sale with a bouncy castle was
suggested. The meeting felt this would
be more appropriate during the summer.
We could do another Family Portraits fundraiser, as we didn’t
do one last year.
Robyn showed a beautiful quilt that has kindly been donated
for fundraising. It was discussed
whether to put it on Trade Me with a good reserve (approx $200). It would also need to be put in the Kindy
newsletter for non Trade Me bidders. The
meeting felt the quilt needs to be seen in person to fully appreciate it,
rather than view by photograph. Walking
the streets with it selling raffle tickets and also putting it in shop windows
was suggested. It was then suggested we
hold a cake stall, display it there and sell tickets on a raffle board for it.
We will hold a cake stall in June outside of what was the
Beta Body Gym (we are unsure of new name).
Robyn will phone to check availability and to book, maybe the 12th
or 13th. The teachers were
asked if a display board with photo’s of the children doing baking would be
appropriate, as this would help to promote kindergarten. It was thought to be a good idea and the
teachers will organise this.
There was also a discussion about having a sausage sizzle
outside The Warehouse on a Saturday or having a stall at the market. The
meeting thought however that many families are committed to Saturday sport at
present and a cake stall would be more suitable on a weekday morning.
Reserve Land Blessing: Siobhan will phone the Te Rarawa Runanga for
advice about this, as she says it needs to be done before the new ground is
broken and our Kaumatua is away at present.
She will email to update him on our situation and invite him and his
wife to our Matariki Celebration.
Financial Report: Lee presented this and it was moved that
the Financial Report be accepted.
Katrina/Robyn Carried
Lee also asked if the meeting would like to add Lynda
Maskell as a signatory. She will be able
to authorise payments if the other signatories are not available. Everyone agreed to this.
Karin/Robyn Carried
General Business:
Whanau Group
Booklets: These were given out to
the meeting and Katrina Ponsonby joined the Whanau Group.
Firewood: Are we going to do a working bee
collecting firewood to raffle? Clare
said her husband has a petrol log splitter and Katrina said her family has dry
dead logs we can cut up at their avocado orchard. There was some discussion about whether to
transport the logs to kindy for the working bee or to do it at the
orchard. Emily and Katrina said they
would get their husbands together to sort this out.
Next Whanau Group
meeting to be held Wednesday 19th June at Anne West Kindergarten,
Meeting closed at 9:00pm
Signed as a true and
accurate record: ___________________________ (President)
Minutes of Anne West Kindergarten AGM.
Held at Anne West Kindergarten
Wednesday 13 March 2013
Meeting opened at 7.15pm
Present: Torina Shanks, Christina Hyde, Karin Matthews,
Robyn Shackleton, Emily Robinson, Liz Tailby, Karen Lucich, Clare Harper-Lee, Siobhan
Soutar, Lee Gamble, Celeste Mathews, Bonny Anderson
Apologies: Frances Lisle, Kevin Lisle
Minutes: Accepted as read
Robyn/Siobhan Carried
Presidents Report: This was read by Torina and a copy is filed
with these minutes.
Clare/Karen Carried
Teaching Team Report: Clare presented this report and it is filed
with these minutes.
Karin/Lee Carried
Financial Report: This was read by Lee.
Emily/Celeste Carried
Election of Officers:
President – Robyn Shackleton Christina/Karin Carried
Secretary – Karin Matthews Robyn/Torina Carried
Treasurer – This is carried out by our Kindergarten
Administrator, Lee Gamble
Whanau Group – The following were unanimously elected:
Torina Shanks, Karin Matthews, Robyn Shackleton, Christina
Hyde, Karen Lucich, Emily Robinson
Co Opt Members:
Torina proposed that more members are able to be elected to
the Whanau Group during the year.
Robyn/Karen Carried
Honorary Solicitor:
Wayne Cribb (Christina to check) Robyn/Torina Carried
Hartnell Grond Walker Karin/Emily Carried
ASB Christina/Karen Carried
Lee, Karin, Robyn
(Robyn Shackleton to replace Torina Shanks)
Karen/Emily Carried
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.05pm
Signed as a true and
accurate record: ___________________________ (President)
Minutes of Anne West Kindergarten Whanau
Group Meeting
Held at Anne West Kindergarten
Wednesday 13 March 2013
Meeting opened at 8.10pm
Present: Torina Shanks, Christina Hyde, Karin Matthews,
Robyn Shackleton, Emily Robinson, Liz Tailby, Karen Lucich, Clare Harper-Lee, Siobhan
Soutar, Lee Gamble, Celeste Matthews, Bonny Anderson
Apologies: Frances Lisle, Kevin Lisle
Financial Report: Lee presented this and it was moved that
the Financial Report be accepted.
Karin/Robyn Carried
Following the financial report the teachers mentioned that some
new items are required. Blinds are
necessary in the office and whanau room and two quotes have come in at around
$1300 (for four windows in total). Also,
some of the office chairs need replacing and Bonny has been looking into
purchasing a sanitary disposal unit for the bathroom.
Bonny has purchased a drill from Placemakers for $40 and
also drill bits etc to go with it.
General Business:
National Student
Number: Clare advised the meeting
about how each child from 31st March 2013, is being given a National
Student Number, which is why a copy of each child’s birth certificate has been
requested. This number will continue
with the child into their future education and this is happening in all Early
Childhood Centres in New Zealand.
Resource, Five Year
and Annual Plans: Clare informed the
meeting that the Resource Plan is being completed and also the Five Year
Strategic Plan. This will include the
need for such things as a new sandpit cover, lining the roof of the deck,
landscaping the edible garden, fencing, new shed, compost bins etc. It will also include professional development
if not covered in the budget. These will
be put up on the wall in the entranceway.
The Annual Plan has not yet been completed as the teachers
would like input from the Whanau Group.
Social Evening: We need to hold these each term to get more
Whanau involved in the kindergarten.
Friday 5th April was discussed for this term, but Siobhan
will be away. It doesn’t necessarily
have to be at Easter, as we can still have a treasure hunt. Friday 12 April was
decided and kindergarten will do sausages and bread and whanau will be asked to
bring either a salad or dessert. A
donation will be asked for towards the purchase of Easter eggs for the treasure
Baby Doll Clothes: Karen Lucich would like to take a couple of
the baby dolls home to measure up. She
would like to make some clothes for them.
Fruit Donations: Emily
asked if fruit donations are needed for the children’s morning tea and said
she’d be happy to donate from her family’s orchard when in season.
Fundraising: The Whanau Group will run a grocery
raffle to be drawn at the social evening on 12 April. This was deemed a far healthier option than
Easter eggs. Tickets to be $1 and
proceeds towards purchasing a new shade sail for the sandpit. Karin will put notice in children’s pockets
asking for grocery items to be donated and Robyn will get a laundry basket.
The meeting enquired as to where Torina’s helpful hints list
for fundraising is. Frances has it and
Karin will phone.
Kaitaia and District
Kindergarten Association Board AGM:
Liz Tailby advised the meeting that this will be held 27 March 2013, 7pm
at Far North Reap. Three people from our
kindergarten whanau are required to attend.
Frequency of Whanau
Group meetings: Clare wondered if we
needed to meet more often, as it seems to be quite a long time between meetings
as they are presently being held. It was
decided to meet approximately once a month in the future.
Next Whanau Group
meeting to be held Wednesday 10th April at Anne West Kindergarten,
Meeting closed at 8:50pm
Signed as a true and
accurate record: ___________________________ (President)
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